The excellent performance and persistence of the AEE Bolivia Chapter have earned recognition for its outstanding work in current energy-related topics within the country, region, and at a global level, as stated by its President.


ISSUE 122 | 2023

Ing. Oscar Siles (*) MSc, DAEN, CCP, PMP


In August of this year, the AEE Bolivia Chapter (Association of Energy Engineers, based in the United States) was notified by the central office that it had won an international award in one of the categories of the 2023 AEE Chapter Award Winners event. This event, organized annually by AEE globally, features participation from over 105 countries, including 61 chapters in the USA, 45 international chapters, and 27 student chapters. These chapters are evaluated based on their performance in various areas of activity defined by the organization.


 AEE defines seven categories in which chapters globally can submit nominations: Best Chapter Newsletter, Best Chapter Website, Best Community Service, Best Chapter Meeting, Best Chapter Conference & Expo, Best Student Chapter Support, Best Overall Chapter Performance. Each of these categories has clearly defined criteria for submission, and chapters can apply for those they believe meet the requirements, considering the impact activities from the previous year (2022) and the first quarter of 2023.


According to the competition’s structure, the winning chapters in each category should include one from the USA (national) and one from any other country worldwide (international), making a total of fourteen global winners each year (seven from the USA and seven from other countries).




The AEE Bolivia Chapter submitted its nomination in the category of Best Chapter Meeting in March 2023. This category’s evaluation scope is related to the development of activities promoting knowledge on current energy-related topics within the country, region, and globally. These activities include organizing seminars, webinars, forums, conferences, and other events that have an impact on professionals, academia, and the general population.


The news was received very emotionally by the entire energy engineering community in Bolivia. As a relatively new chapter compared to other regional and global communities, we believe we have demonstrated a dynamic, proactive, and consistent approach from the initial founding members to the present. It is worth noting that Bolivia has been the only Latin American country to win an award this year in the category in which it participated. In the category Bolivia took part in, the North Carolina Chapter received the national award, and the Bolivia Chapter received the international award.



We believe that the combination of executed actions, which are part of the strategic plan of AEE Bolivia Chapter, has been the driving factor in scoring for this award. These actions include the monthly webinars organized by AEE Bolivia, which have become a tradition in the national energy sector. We also organized the Forum on Energy Transition in October 2022, which was a success with a significant national impact. Additionally, we actively participated in various events such as conferences, forums, and seminars, where AEE contributes knowledge and experience through its members. We have also established agreements with several universities in Bolivia to promote energy culture in the education of professionals, both at the undergraduate level. Furthermore, we have formed alliances with national professional organizations related to the energy field, provided technical support to national institutions, and created channels and platforms for the analysis, discussion, and proposals on topics related to energy efficiency, transition, renewable energy, green hydrogen, biofuels, geothermal energy, among others. AEE Bolivia also strives to benefit its local members by signing agreements with national entities to offer discounts on events they organize, such as seminars, courses, and master’s programs. Additionally, it provides access to specialized information on energy topics, special discounts for local and global AEE-organized events, and a network of high-level professionals nationally and internationally, offering opportunities to deepen knowledge in the energy field and potential job opportunities.



All the commitment developed so far would not have been possible without the trust, support, and involvement of the founding members of AEE Bolivia, current members, and the Board of Directors, who, in a selfless action and volunteering vocation, have been executing the outlined strategic plan to develop and consolidate as the most important community of energy professionals in the country. To date, AEE Bolivia has around thirty official members, and the Board of Directors consists of: President, Ing. Oscar Siles; Vice President, Ing. Ricardo Carrillo; Secretary, Ing. Onel Linares; Vice President of Education, Ing. Rubén Dabdoub; Vice President of Memberships, Ing. Jaime Portugal; Vice President of Communications, Ing. Gustavo Vaca. The AEE Bolivia Chapter will receive the award at the Chapter Leadership Meeting, which will be held alongside the AEE 2023 World Conference and Expo in Orlando, Florida, USA. The Chapter Leadership Meeting will take place on Tuesday, October 24, and the conference will run from October 25 to 27. AEE Bolivia will be present at this highly important event to mark a new milestone and raise the name of Bolivia.



In September, AEE Bolivia is celebrating its first anniversary as a formal chapter of AEE, headquartered in the USA. We would like to celebrate with the entire community of energy professionals in Bolivia and invite more colleagues to join the most important institution in the country that will contribute to national energy development.



Energía Bolivia