ISSUE 122 | 2022

Vesna Marinkovic U.

She asserts that the use of electrical energy will be the key to sustainable decarbonization, and many experts are already talking about “electric transitions” in various energy transformations worldwide.


1The United Nations Educational, Scientific and Cultural Organization (UNESCO) has noted low participation of girls and women in science, technology, engineering, and mathematics (STEM). Does this interfere with women’s aspirations in the energy sector?


Certainly, the mentioned low participation acts as a barrier to the full realization of female potential and leadership, which we believe is essential for achieving higher levels of awareness in civil society and the corporate world. The inherent talent of women clearly complements and enhances the way of thinking and developing businesses and ventures in a context that is both volatile and fascinating. The future demands the full potential of humanity to extract the best from it, and this is where women make and will continue to make a difference.


So, returning specifically to the question, while I do believe it interferes, I am highly optimistic that the latent talent of today’s girls will change the world. For example, we saw this happen approximately two weeks ago when Siemens Energy, for the third consecutive year, organized the “Girls with Energy” hackathon. Thousands of girls showcased their talent, imagination, and desire to make an impact on the world. It was a unique experience filled with optimism regarding the role of women in society and specifically in the energy sector.

2At this time and in general, is there gender equality in the energy sector, or is it predominantly a male-dominated field?


The energy sector is naturally the field with the least gender equality, as it has been historically male-dominated. However, this does not mean that it cannot change, as we are seeing an increasing participation of women in this industry. As I mentioned, at Siemens Energy, we are very optimistic, and that’s why we are heavily investing in creating the right spaces and conditions for women to unleash their full potential. Undoubtedly, we will only bring about change if more companies within the energy sector encourage and promote female talent by providing them with the necessary tools for development, training, and participation in one of the most prominent industries in the coming decades.


3Siemens Energy has made significant progress in this direction. Can we detail some of these advancements?


We are making steady and accelerated progress, and although the road is long, our determination is making a necessary transition a reality to nurture the future of corporations that are making a better world.


Every day, we are striving to create robust programs that promote female participation at all levels and functions within the organization. Externally, we are fostering interest in STEM careers among the new generations of girls because to address gender equality in the sector, we must engage pragmatically and decisively. This is a one-way path that promises an extraordinary journey powered by the talent of humanity through bright and passionate girls.


To put it into context, it’s worth mentioning that, globally, women represent only 10% within the energy sector and, in leadership positions, no more than 16%. This is another reason why we should not waver in our firm commitment to encourage more girls and young women to pursue STEM careers.


Specifically, at Siemens Energy, we are taking solid steps to create optimal environments that kindle girls’ enthusiasm for such vocations. As I mentioned earlier, for three consecutive years, Siemens Energy has introduced thousands of girls to STEM careers through the “Girls with Energy” hackathon. We’ve empowered over 1,100 girls in the past three years, reaching 12 countries in Latin America with over 120 generated projects. These projects emanate the talent, ingenuity, and conceptual sophistication of the girls. In the latest edition, these projects were focused on “Saving Our Planet Earth” with four crucial thematic axes. Firstly, reducing carbon footprint and the use of fossil fuels in corporations. Secondly, ensuring zero emissions. The third axis focused on reducing household electricity consumption. Lastly, the creation of a Metaverse focused on sustainability. This final axis paradigmatically reflects the convergence of imagination and technology in the service of a better world.


4Currently, what are the most common roles assigned to women in a company like Siemens Energy?



At Siemens Energy, we firmly believe that diversity and inclusion create opportunities for success for everyone, regardless of their gender, age, ethnic origin, sexual orientation, or disability. Each individual plays an equally significant role in shaping the energy future. That’s why we need contributions from minds across all segments of society to build a future filled with energy and possibilities.

While it’s a reality that not only at Siemens Energy but also globally in the energy sector, roles commonly assigned to women are primarily administrative, at Siemens Energy, we are developing programs to have women more present in purely technical or field roles. Definitely, in a few years, Siemens Energy will have genuine diversity throughout the company, without distinction by function.


5Siemens Energy will launch the “Energía Sin Límites Bolivia” (Energy Without Limits Bolivia) program. What are the most important objectives of this initiative?



Identifying, developing, and unleashing the unlimited potential of every employee in the organization is our driving force behind “Energía Sin Límites.” This is a comprehensive program for the development of female talent that lays the foundation for women-centered leadership, promotes inclusion, and solidifies a gender-balanced management team, considering not only our current employees but also future generations joining the company.

The objective of “Energía Sin Límites” is to empower women within our organization by developing their skills and fostering a transformative mindset. This, combined with their leadership, will turn us into a creative and innovative organization. Additionally, the program, which has already been successfully implemented in Mexico, focuses on nurturing a cradle of female talent to occupy leadership positions in the future. We have a dedicated team for the program, as well as a fully integrated action plan based on various pillars.


These pillars, focused on the development of soft skills, prepare our female employees comprehensively in various areas. To name a few, we have managerial skills, communication, networking enhancement, STEM activities, mentoring, and women’s forums. All of this will have a positive impact on their individual paths to success.


6Do these projects aim to increase the percentage of women in leadership positions in the energy sector?


Definitely, the answer is a resounding yes.


We are vigorously pursuing the same goal: to be more open and inclusive, and we want to promote the role of women in today’s world, redefining and recognizing their crucial contributions, ensuring that more of them occupy leadership positions.


It goes without saying that resilience, perspective, and self-awareness have played a decisive role in accelerating the creation of “Energía Sin Límites Bolivia.” We want to make tomorrow different today, and “Energía sin Límites” embodies care in its purest form. Furthermore, it fully exemplifies the values of inclusion, innovation, and belonging. We have been promoting a multidisciplinary environment, driving growth, purpose, and a versatile mindset. Persuasion and influence were key forces in unleashing the power of female talent.


Undoubtedly, with such programs, we seek to promote the inclusion of more women in the sector and the region, especially in technical positions, as it has been proven that having a culture of diversity and inclusion in corporations has a high correlation with positive impacts on decision-making and innovation.


Because if our mission at Siemens Energy is to power society, we must start by energizing the lives of girls and women, and this is how we understand and practice it.


7As the Executive Sales Director of Turbo Machinery Services for Latin America at Siemens Energy, what is your outlook on this form of energy generation in the region? Challenges? Prospects?


I’d like to start with a significant statement: electricity will become the most important form of energy in the future, and the use of electrical energy in many other sectors will be the key to the sustainable decarbonization of our daily lives. Consequently, experts are already talking about “electric transitions” in many energy transformations worldwide because electricity offers maximum flexibility. Moreover, the role of natural gas as a transitional fuel towards cleaner and more reliable energy is undeniable. Energy markets at regional and global levels are undoubtedly changing due to various drivers, and Siemens Energy focuses on four of them specifically: demand growth, decarbonization, decentralization, and digitalization.


Specifically in Latin America, millions of people lack access to electricity, which is the backbone of economic development. Our clear purpose and mission are to provide sustainable, reliable, and affordable energy to every person on this planet, whether it’s to heat their homes, provide safe roads at night, or power their educational endeavors. Finally, in the context of the energy transition, Siemens Energy is becoming the most valued energy technology company. We are a global leader in the energy business with a focus on sustainability, co-creating innovations with our partners, and, of course, we have a strong commitment to the communities where we operate.


8Do you believe that institutions such as governments, academia, social organizations, multilateral banks, and, of course, companies, should support a more balanced participation of women in this sector?


Absolutely. The gender gap will not be bridged unless companies continue to promote activities that encourage women’s participation. And this undoubtedly primarily includes the mentioned organizations and institutions.


“Siemens Energy is becoming the most valued energy technology company.”

Energía Bolivia