Vesna Marinkovic U.

The British Ambassador to Bolivia emphasizes the importance of renewables in adopting a diversified energy matrix in his country and highlights Bolivia’s potential in this regard.


ISSUE 129 | 2024

Vesna Marinkovic U.


1Renewable energies are gaining increasing market share in the United Kingdom. How much total electricity was produced via renewables in the last semester of 2023?


Currently, about 41% of energy production in my country comes from renewable sources: wind 29.7%, biomass 5.2%, solar 4.5%, and hydroelectric 1.2%. Estimates from the Energy and Climate Intelligence Unit (ECIU) find that in the coming years, these energy sources will achieve a production of 90 TWh, more than enough to supply electricity to the 28 million households in the United Kingdom


2In this scenario, which renewable has the highest projections?


My country is looking to adopt a diversified energy matrix, where all the aforementioned renewable sources are combined to ensure the continuity and quality of supply. In this context, it is worth noting that the majority of energy in the United Kingdom will come from wind energy (both offshore and onshore), gradually followed by solar, while a smaller percentage will come from hydroelectric and geothermal sources.


3How do you view the prospects for renewables in Bolivia, until recently the main gas producer in the region?


The United Kingdom recognizes Bolivia’s extraordinary potential in the field of renewable energy. The excellent conditions for solar and wind energy production in much of the territory stand out, which also provide solid foundations for the production of eco-efficient fuels such as green hydrogen and ammonia.


In that sense, my country acknowledges and welcomes Bolivia’s commitments to the world in this field, as expressed in its Nationally Determined Contributions (NDCs), which establish that by 2030, 79% of energy production in Bolivia would come from renewable sources. For this path outlined, efforts from both the national government and committed private entrepreneurs will be crucial. I would like them to consider the United Kingdom as a long-term partner accompanying Bolivia on this challenging yet necessary path.


4Recently, the British brand UKSOL pledged its support for the largest private photovoltaic solar project in Bolivia, called the BFC-3MW Refrigerator Solar Plant. What are the characteristics of this agreement?


As reported by the companies involved in this significant contract, the project involves the provision of over 4,500 solar panels, each with a capacity of 670 W, manufactured by the British company UK SOL with a factory warranty of 12 years and a lifespan of 30 years. These panels will enable the consolidation of a private solar farm with a total installed capacity of 3MW, capable of mitigating the emission of approximately 1,613 tons of CO2 per year.


I reiterate my congratulations to BCF, Bolpegas, and UK Sol for their joint work committed to climate action, which I hope will be replicated by many other Bolivian companies to dramatically reduce greenhouse gas emissions in Bolivia.



“Currently, about 41% of energy production in my country comes from renewable sources…”



5Does this technology establish the United Kingdom as a significant partner in solar energy solutions in Bolivia?


That is our intention, for Bolivia to see the United Kingdom as a long-term partner in walking together towards a fair energy transition and jointly reducing the effects of climate change. Proof of this is the joint work between BCF, Bolpegas, and UK Sol, but it is also the inauguration of the British-Bolivian Chamber of Commerce – Britcham, which will begin its activities, based in Santa Cruz but with a national scope, very soon.


6Is UKSOL present in other countries in the region, contributing to energy sustainability through its solar panel technology?


I understand that UK SOL already has a very interesting global portfolio, with a presence in both Asia and Latin America. UK SOL belongs to the category of medium and small companies in my country, which fills me with pride, as it is these companies that are driving the British industry forward, generating employment and promoting innovation and development.


That is our intention, for Bolivia to see the United Kingdom as a long-term partner in walking together towards a fair energy transition…”

Energía Bolivia